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Zakat and Sadaqa Trust Fund of Ghana Extends a Helping Hand to Morocco Earthquake Victims

Sep 19, 2023

Zakat and Sadaqa Trust Fund of Ghana Extends a Helping Hand to Morocco Earthquake Victims

Accra, Ghana - September 16, 2023 - In a demonstration of the spirit of Islamic brotherhood and humanitarian solidarity, the Zakat and Sadaqa Trust Fund of Ghana made a heartfelt donation of $5,000.00 to assist the victims of the recent earthquake in Morocco. This benevolent act of compassion took place on Friday, September 15, 2023, when representatives from the fund visited the Embassy of Morocco in Accra.

The earthquake in Morocco, which left a trail of destruction and suffering, prompted the Zakat and Sadaqa Trust Fund of Ghana to come forward and offer support. This act of generosity is not the first of its kind from the organization, as they had previously extended their humanitarian aid to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey.

The visit to the Moroccan embassy served as an opportunity for the representatives of the Zakat and Sadaqa Trust Fund of Ghana to express their condolences and solidarity with the people of Morocco during this challenging time. The $5,000.00 donation is intended to help alleviate the immediate needs and provide relief to those affected by the earthquake.

In a statement following the donation, the Trust Fund emphasized the importance of unity and collective support in times of adversity. "Even the weakest amongst us can hold the hands of the strongest in times of difficulties in the spirit of Islamic Brotherhood," they noted.

The Zakat and Sadaqa Trust Fund of Ghana has a strong commitment to its mission of promoting charity and assistance to those in need, both locally and internationally. Their noble actions are a testament to the power of compassion and the values of humanitarianism.

For those interested in learning more about the Zakat and Sadaqa Trust Fund of Ghana and their charitable efforts, please visit the official website at https://www.zakatfund.org.gh. It is through such acts of kindness and generosity that communities and nations can come together to support one another in times of crisis. May Allâh aid and bless us all.